Monday, August 19, 2013

My Introduction

   It is strange where life takes you...both good and bad.  A few months ago, we were spending our time working on an old camper we bought so that we could leave the east coast and head west.  Fast forward a few months....and we are no where near where we wanted to be.  We are still stuck in the same state and what is staying with my parents.  We had to get out of our old apartment regardless....our landlord wouldn't fix anything....and between broken windows and the plumbing going...we had to leave.  We couldn't raise our children there anymore.  We are now desperately looking for a new apartment in this area, which is hard to do due to my husband having shitty credit and just finding another shitty job.  I really do hate this area...there is nothing here for us...lack of jobs, no close friends nearby, and the whole uber conservative thing doesn't work for our family.  But because we are so poor, actually leaving is nearly impossible.  Its hard to save when you are barely surviving.  Both my husband and I are enrolled at the local community college...I recently switched to part time instead of full time so I would have time to fit in a work schedule.  I still don't know how we are going to do it...between our school schedules, his work schedule, our kids school schedules and not having daycare for our youngest....then a work schedule for me on top of it.  Its overwhelming at times.  And frustrating.  We are hoping between the financial aid for school from both of us for this term and the spring term will help us when it comes to moving out of PA.  If it does, it will be just barely.  I am afraid to really hope for it through. Every time I really get my hopes up about us gets things going wrong....from trusting the wrong people....etc.  I am hoping through this blog, I will start to see progress.  Both towards our long-term goal of moving to Oregon...but also progress in our short-term and mid-term goals. 
    These would include finishing school at the community college and getting our associates degrees.  Opening up a money market account for our moving fund.  Losing weight and getting healthier....and being able to fit into my clothing better.  Being involved more in the kids schools and/or outside activities for the kids (like 4H or something).  Put together a household notebook to keep ourselves organized.  Get my youngest into Headstart.  Finding an half decent and affordable place to rent. 
    I am so far from where I want to be....both physically...mentally...spiritually.  But on the other hand I have come far from where I was a few years ago.  Before I left Michigan....and the abusive relationship there....I couldn't of imagined for example going to college or being with a man that is my best friend instead of a controlling prick.  So there is that.........

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